- a cbd/cannabis company with additional assets and technologies in other industries
- a variety of quality products ranging from oils to supplements to edibles
- in accumulation mode, beautiful chart, no news since April
- traded at $1 or more 3x this year
We have been following ETII for over a week now, alerting investors on our social media when our tracker noticed what seemed like accumulative activity mid October. Since then, around .135, the company has continued to climb on NO NEWS or FILINGS and investors are now taking notice and you should too. Where there is smoke there is fire, and this company that hasn’t had a press release since April, where it last spiked to $1.15 a share, has to be up to something.
You have to have lived under a rock to have missed the resurgence of cannabis/cbd related stocks, especially with the legalization of recreational cannabis in the whole country of Canada, our neighbors up north, along with more states in the U.S. with cannabis on the voting ballot next week.
Just how popular is cannabis? Besides its healing qualities, which ETII is focusing on with their recently acquired subsidiary, CBD Health Co, the country of Canada almost “SOLD OUT” the first week of legalization… like the stock market which fluctuates on supply and demand, the demand for cbd/cannabis is REAL and shall only grow.
Even beverage companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are attempting to position themselves with cbd/hemp drinks in this booming sector. Soft drink companies are not alone, as alcoholic beverage companies are following suit because of declining sales as the market shifts towards using cannabis for recreational purposes. Yes that means, CBD/THC wines and beers or non alcoholic beverages that will enhance one’s mood is where these companies are diving to be ahead of the trend.
CBD Health Co really impresses us, as their product line looks “top notch” and the labeling looks highly professional with a variety of CBD related health products and supplements to choose from. ETII picked this CBD Health subsidiary up in late January, the first run to $1 a share.
EnviroTechnologies International, Inc., a publicly traded company (OTC Pink, Symbol: ETII) that develops and markets green, natural and organic products for diverse industries, announced today that it acquired CBD Health Co. (www.cbdhealthco.com), a company that markets and sells high quality and proprietary hemp-based, natural CBD health products, as a wholly owned subsidiary.
The revenues from hemp-based CBD products in the US currently exceeds $200 M and Forbes magazine predicts that sales in the CDB space will increase to over $2.1 B, a 700% increase, by the year 2020.
“Our company has been successful in developing, testing and marketing safe, green and non-toxic product and equipment solutions for several industries. Our principals have years of experience in developing and marketing consumer cleaning products. Acquiring CBD Health Co. is a natural evolutionary step in our company‘s development as CBD Health Co. is a leader in the highly profitable and ever-growing CBD health supplement market,” said Randall Waters, ETI’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing.
“Our health products are manufactured with natural US grown CBD hemp, which are an effective alternative to prescription drugs. Our vision has always been to create a world-class line of CBD products that will help usher in a new era of natural remedies, understanding that most patients would prefer to take a natural path towards healing,” said Jo De Leon, CBD Health Co.’s CEO. “Joining with ETI’s team will help CBD Health Co expand its marketing reach as well as full product development.”
“This merger creates great synergy. We appreciate Mr. De Leon’s pioneering work in this industry and are grateful that he will remain as CBD Health Co.’s CEO to drive its great vision,” said Waters.
See Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/jfZT2K5kIno
Then is April… More News came… and BAMMM… spiked to $1.15!
EnviroTechnologies International, Inc., a publicly traded company (OTC Pink, Symbol: ETII) that develops and markets green, natural and organic products for diverse industries, announced today that its subsidiary, CBD Health Co., (www.cbdhealthco.com), a company that markets and sells high quality and proprietary hemp-based, natural CBD health products, is preparing to launch a sister fitness and media company that will market fitness hemp-based products and health films.
Hemp products are now used in sports medicine to control pain, decrease inflammation and reduce stress; hemp-based products have also been found to aid in bone, nerve and tissue regeneration, which are particularly relevant and needed remedies in the amateur and professional sports arenas. As of January 2018, The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has curtailed its probation for athletes using hemp-based products as health remedies and, as of 2018, amateur and professional athletes will not be disqualified from their individual sports for using hemp products.
“Phytolife Fitness will provide athletes with safe and natural pain relief, along with high quality proteins, MCT oils, and energy supplements. Our team of scientists, nutritionists, and trainers have created custom formulations to fit individual needs, such as building muscle to losing weight,” said Jo De Leon, CBD’s President. “Our health films will supplement our extraordinary products’ usage and help build awareness of hemp-based products.
“CBD’s mission is to educate and help its customers understand how to help the human body achieve its full potential by providing high-quality products and information backed by science. Phytolife Media will release weekly videos on CBD health, meal preparation, and normal incorporation of our products into their diets, daily regimen and lifestyle.”
Phytolife Fitness will work closely with and endorse athletes involved in high impact sports, such as the UFC, NFL, and boxing. To keep up with our day-to-day activity, visit CBDHEALTHCO.com and Phytolifefitness.com
“CBD continues to be a leader in hemp products usage and Phytolife Fitness’ entry into the global sports nutrition and supplements market is another step in our quest to dominate a market that BusinessInsider.com believes will reach over $11B in revenues in the next 5-6 years,” said Randall Waters, ETI’s Vice President of Sales & Marketing.
About EnviroTechnologies International Inc.
EnviroTechnologies International, Inc., (OTC Pinksheet: ETII) is a company that recently acquired CBD Health Co. CBD Health Co manufactures and sells hemp-based CBD health & supplement products to expand its consumer product offerings. CBD Health Co offers cutting edge CBD over-the-counter products in the new, expanding and in-demand natural remedy space. EnviroTechnologies International, Inc. also markets and sells green, environmentally safe products and solutions to the Oil and Gas and the Food and Agriculture industries as well as consumer products, using the Company’s unique technologies, which include proprietary machines that create electrolyzed oxidative water.
Another interesting Tech under the ETII umbrella…
Electrolyzed Oxidative Water
Electrolysed water (electrolyzed water, EOW, ECA, electrolyzed oxidizing water, electro-activated water or electro-chemically activated water solution) is produced by the electrolysis of ordinary tap water containing dissolved sodium chloride. … The resulting water is a known cleanser and disinfectant / sanitizer.
Water is already pretty great stuff. You can’t live without it and you use it throughout the day. What if you could use water plus a little salt to kill germs and clean, without added chemicals? It turns out you can. All you need to do is electrolyze the water. The Los Angeles Times has a feature on the increasing popularity of electrolyzed water for cleaning laundry without detergent, disinfecting medical instruments and wounds, sanitizing food, washing dishes — you name it.
Why Electrolyzed Water Isn’t Common
So if electrolyzed salt water is non-toxic and highly effective, you may be wondering why don’t you see it everywhere. There are a few reasons. First, the equipment used to electrolyze water isn’t cheap. Home units are presently running around $3000, though when you consider the annual cost of all the cleaners you use and how nice it would be to replace the toxic chemicals you have with green, non-toxic water, the pricetag is a lot more palatable. Second, electrolyzed water has a relatively brief shelf life. It is something you can make and use, but not the sort of product you’ll find on grocery store shelves. Finally, a lot of people think a cleaner isn’t working unless it produces suds and smells “clean.” Electrolyzed water doesn’t produce mounds of bubbles or smell like flowers. If you live in Japan or Russia, you probably are familiar with electrolyzed water. In the United States, it is probably news to you.
How Electrolyzed Water Works
Here’s how it works. Electrolyzed water is produced by applying a low-voltage electrical charge to saltwater. Sodium ions form sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a strong base that cleans much like a detergent. Chloride ions form hypochlorous acid (HClO), which is a powerful disinfectant. The potent compounds are rendered harmless either by doing their job cleaning and disinfecting or they are simply rendered inactive over time.
Investment Summary
As we stated, there is something going on here as the charts are showing not only significant share price increase, but an increase also in volume, alerting us that this accumulation is due to all potentially positive reasons such as upcoming news? great sales? another acquisition? undervalued and a whale invested? No matter what it is, investors should take notice that rising stocks with no hype or reason behind it is always a good thing. The company has already reached the benchmark of $1 on 3 separate occasions this year and a 4th time could be immanent if news hits the wires anytime soon. At the .25 price mark, reaching that $1 would be 4 bagger, and with cannabis on the voting ballot in many states this next week and in the news, attention will continue to draw interest in CBD/Cannabis stocks like ETII. News and a revamped website will help fuel that $1+ run hopefully.
Disclosure: PSInvestor has NOT been compensated for the above article but does hold a LONG position in the company. We reserve the right to sell or increase our position at anytime, and like all investors, hope to get the most profitability out of any trade. To read our full disclaimer… go here.