Vita Mobile Systems (VMSI) racked up an impressive day yesterday up 74% on the day. There was also a big blip in message board activity as measured on Investors Hub ranking in in the number 2 position. The old adage where there is smoke there is fire. The question unanswered is where the fire is coming from. Yesterday they announce that Artificial intelligence would “reach 2 million views per day.” Couple that with the artificial intelligence with Amazon’s image recognition and the mechanisms are in place for exponential growth. Investor’s want to know what is behind this move. Sean Guerro the CEO has an impressive resume and we don’t want to detract from that but Martin Wade is the Chairman/CFO and is the interim CEO of Payless Shoes and a marketing guru as well.
Balanced Management Team
Martin Wade is characterized as a “turnaround and transformational strategy expert.” He completely transformed Payless Shoes and it’s reasonable to think that his doing things behind the scenes here as well. Wade is a man of influence and strong investment banking background in positions at top firms like Prudential Securities, Solomon Brothers, and Price Waterhouse. The thing on his resume you really want to take note of is position on the board of Digital First Media which boasts 60 million monthly readers. This is likely the kindling that is powering this move higher as investors like to bet on the Jockey not the horse. The jockey behind the scenes has some serious horsepower and its being reflected in price appreciation. Smart money always seems to get behind a power player and it appears that Martin Wade is that power player. There is a reason he is the Chairman of VMSI. CEO Sean Guerrero is the definitely the work horse in this dream team as you mix wisdom and experience with unbridled entrepreneurialism something transformational is gearing up in this company.
Beta Testing Imminent
The company has announced it is going to be expanding the beta testing but the extent hasn’t been really been talked about. It appears they are keeping tight lips on the rollout and that can mean only one thing. It’s likely to be an epic one when they go on record talking about 2 million impressions a day. On the message boards there has been chatter of some sort of geo location based competition to launch the Beta in a particular area. The strength of the platform is lots of users in a close proximity and this could be a genius move as they build anticipation of the Beta launch and actually try to simulate social media frenzy to get a first look at the platform as a beta tester.
The acquisition of WAZE for $1.1 Billion paves the way for another geolocation based app to be bought out if they can get subscriber growth and participation. The suitors include Amazon (AMZN) Facebook (FB), Snap Chat (SNAP), and most strategically Twitter (TWTR). The thing about using Artificial Intelligence is that as people post pictures the intelligence learns more and more about the user and that is where the emotional part of the last press release lead investors to monetization on an epic scale as VITA’s AI will know what a user wants before they even want it and what is that worth to an advertiser. Its virtual gold. This stock seems destined to power higher as more details of the beta test strategy are revealed.
DISCLOSURE: has NOT been compensated for the above article, but are LONG shares bought on the open market. To read the full disclaimer, please click here.