$CCLX Poised For Breakout: Solving the Cord-Cutter’s Conundrum !

CableClix (USA), Inc. (the “Company” or “CableClix”) (www.cableclix.com) is a video streaming and caching company bringing local High Definition Over-the-Air (OTA) network broadcasts, satellite, and paid premium content over private networks owned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) directly to the customers of ISPs and direct subscribers in their local viewing area. CableClix has developed an innovative platform that ensures delivery of local affiliate content to the intended metropolitan broadcast area, while allowing customers the flexibility to watch television on a variety of devices. CableClix bridges the gaps between video content, local broadcast affiliates, internet service providers and end users, and brings high definition video to even the most rural locations.

Brief synopsis:

Market size: Enormous. All consumers, potentially $10-$30+ a month. Mind bogglingly large market. This is why OTTV has gone crazy. Even capturing just 1-2% of the market subscribing at say $20 a month is $500m a year.

Elite Group: Few offer the whole package. Only as of just a few months ago. CableClix is well-positioned to be in a very small field of those that consumers will see as a true viable alternative to a traditional cable company.

Solutions lacking: As shown in the article a few posts back, the reason the cord cutting isn’t yet taking over America is because it isn’t yet a suitable replacement for cable, at a good enough cost. This is EXACTLY what CableClix is addressing. Mark said in a PR: <> That’s what CableClix does that the many others don’t have the ability to.

Management: Unlike so many OTC and penny stocks where the management background is weak, or they are attorneys or CFOs, this management has years and years of experience as EXPERTS in the field. This is legit. They are serious. They are trying to re-invent television and have the skills and knowledge to possibly do just that. And it isn’t just Mr. Bayliss. Check out Mr. Komich – he is a data center EXPERT. And the background of Cauri Jaye is very strong and relevant to quickly identify the needs of the market, the solutions, and to bring in the right technology team to execute the solutions.

The Head End: They have already built one. Check out the PR from last year. They have already proven out that they can be a major player in the space.

The Set-Top Box: While being very quiet about specifics, if you read closely you’ll see that this is what Cauri is having his team optimize so that in the end the consumer will have a DYNAMITE set top box that will flawlessly combine the streaming content with cached broadband content. Check out their website – Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, all will be accessible on the set top box.

The cost: The indications are that they have a super low cost solution that is highly efficient. This may be their ace in the hole.

Leveraging ISP demand They are teaming up with local ISPs that would love to get a piece of the cable revenue, and they are doing it in a way that the ISPs like. That spells FREE MARKETING dollars to quickly expand, IMO.

Advertising Data: Their telemetrics data on consumer usage will blow Nielson’s data away. That’s very valuable information that a number of folks will pay a lot for. The partnership with Cxense ASA recently announced is big.

Share Structure: It’s incredibly good for what CableClix has. The float is so low that the stock moves very easily on volume. Once the company shows more and starts announcing more of their partnerships and a trial rollout – the market cap could easily go up many multiples from the current tiny $1-2 million.


Disclosure: LONG bought on the open market at .017